Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Randomness- updates- thoughts

The weekends go by so fast!! It seems the time my love gets here on Friday nights you blink and it's now Sunday night or Monday morning and off he goes to work again. You might ask what can you possibly do stuck in a tiny little hospital room with someone for 48+ hours... well we play lots of Rummy, lay in my little bed and watch movies that I always fall asleep during, eat, take walks, and eat some more. And I couldn't ask for anyone better to do it with either. He is so good to me and has dealt with my ever changing hormone levels  from being in here just fine. That is why I love him so :):):)

Yesterday I contracted ALL day every 15-20 minutes, with each one I got more excited thinking that meant it was going to actually happen!!! I was finally going to see these precious beings we've created. Well that didn't happen obviously. However it is the start of it they say, downside I could contract like that for days before they pop out. They are still just as healthy as ever weighing an ounce under 5 lbs. So i'm happy that they will be strong and more than likely go home with in 24 hours with me!!! Another update I have officially gained 26 lbs with my pregnancy. I am very proud of myself, my friends who carried one say they gained anywhere from 30-60 with singletons. SO YAY FOR ME!!! Dr wanted me to gain between 25-35 and so I am in that range. That is with no eating restrictions, I never even exercised, God was just showing me favor and I will thank Him everyday. He has been and is SO Good!

They now are so big in my belly (that is not able to stretch any further) that I feel them throwing hands into my pelvic bone and their feet and butts into my rib cage. I feel EVERYTHING now more pronounced than ever before. Yes they are a little calmer seeings how the space is limited but trust me that is probably a good thing for my sake!! With my contractions, or even uterine irritability as they call the little ones my back aches with each one. That is about the only pain that I've had still. They offered me some meds for the big ones I was having yesterday (apparently they were big enough that most people feel quite a bit with those) but I declined it, I don't believe in taking all this medicine. When they get bad and it's like okay! then I will ask for something. I just don't like the thought of all that going to my babies...

Alright well my stomach is growling at me so I gotta go find something for us three to eat....

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