Tuesday, October 9, 2012

8 Months in one post

Lets start with a quick recap of the past ummm 8 months! ha!...

...March 4th this year I started seeing how God was putting my life back together. That night He restored my marriage 100 fold. After a year of separation and divorce pending He put it back together in one night. From that night we have been inseparable!! Just for the simple fact that I want to make it a little more dramatic that was a Sunday night, by Tuesday morning (my first day back to work since our "reuniting") I walk into hearing my Momma telling her client that she felt like she was going to be getting some grandbabies real soon. Now let me mind you, it had only been two days, babies was not even a thought in my head yet. I was still amazed at God's goodness and the fact that miraculously I had this on fire marriage with the only man I've ever loved. Trying to take it in still was my only concern.

...March 13th, one week later at church service that night, I was prophesied over. To be exact He prophesied over my womb that there be no miscarriage, no problems, no defects and that it work the way God intended it to. This man did not know me from Adam, he did not know Travis and I had just gotten back together, nothing. So now not only Momma is talking kids, and my clients, but now God I guess was hinting to me that it was all going to be okay when it happened. Little did I know there was already not one but two babies in there forming!!

...March 19th, exactly two weeks after getting back together I decided to go ahead and pee on the stick, everyone had been talking so much baby stuff, my girl friends were finding out they were pregnant and I figured why not. There it was one bright line and one really really faint second line. Seeings how I've never seen a positive pregnancy test before I didn't know if that meant 100% yes because it was SOOO faint! Now this is the moment where people scream, and cry, and jump up and down, however most people express there joy, me on the other hand I'm a little more of a OMG! on the inside person. Then it hits me later what actually is taking place. I wanted to do something clever to tell Travis but that meant waiting till the next day and trying to hold it in, which was impossible!! So when we were getting in bed I just handed him the test and said here.. his eyes got big and his response "na-uh already" I said well I think that means yes. Then with a big grin he said 'it's a boy'.

(this actually is the 3rd one I took to show my Momma) 

Seeings how I didn't have some creative idea to tell my husband, I decided I would try to do something cute to tell mom. I wanted to include Buddy, our first baby, and let him run through her house with the test and balloons tied to his collar and see just how long it would take her to realize what they said. So I made him a BIG BROTHER t-shirt and attempted to tie the balloons but he jumped out the car and ran in to fast, go figure ha! 

April 24,2012
(yes we were deff cheesin')
....our first ultrasound showed not one but two babies!!! That moment was a pretty amazing one, she had found the first baby and was about to put it up when I asked, "so there's only one in there, were not having two?" before she could get it out she ran the thing over baby B and saw a second sac and heartbeat. Both of our mouths dropped and Travis' reaction again was "na-uh" hahaa gotta love him :) That night it felt like we were just finding out all over again that we were pregnant!!

Fast forward to today October 9, I have had the best pregnancy I could have ever asked for or imagined! I had a week maybe of feeling nasty but no morning sickness, I've had no pain or problems. The babies have been growing right on track if not a tiny bit more. I think as of today I have gained about 27 pounds, which is right where my doctor wants me. I have worked right up until last week which was 31 weeks so I am proud of myself. I feel like I am going to pop, for the most part I am all belly, which I am still amazed at. I thought for sure I would blow up like a whale. But thank the Lord I haven't. I have been very blessed this whole pregnancy, God has shown me favor in it and I am so thankful. Thankful for my health and most importantly their health. So it's still just a waiting game at this point, 32 weeks 3 days and hanging in there...

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