Thursday, October 11, 2012

Preterm Labor....say what?

Yesterday made a week I have been in this hospital room! A whole week already! Well not 'already' I mean it has felt like an eternity most days. Looks like these little love bugs of mine tried coming last week at 31 weeks and 5 days....We do nothing normal or average in this family!

Last Wednesday I had what I thought were just Braxton Hicks all day it seemed. My stomach was just tightening up A LOT and really really HARD! The difference was my back was so achy on the right side and my right upper thigh was just as achy. I searched every symptom to preterm labor, labor with twins, everything and I swear I was like oh I have that! Yep that too, oh and then there is the upper thigh ache. Of course me not knowing labor from any other pain I didn't want to call the doctor and be a over dramatic first mom, ya know. So I didn't.... until I had a contraction that included the same pain in my back and lower right pelvic area all tightening at the sametime. That's when I found it necessary to call the doctor. He said to go to the hospital and just get looked at, and let them listen to the babies. So around 4 p.m Momma took me up and they wheeled me to the maternity floor. I have to be honest I felt silly because I didn't want them to think I was just being a baby (no pun intended) I've never been wheeled anywhere, I thought I was capable of walking but they didn't.

Once in my beautiful over sized hospital gown the nurse hooked me up to the heart beat and contraction monitors, then checked my cervix. She said it was still closed and was happy with that. After an hour of monitoring the babies she said I was good to go home and the doctor would be in shortly to release me. Here came this doctor with the longest eyelashes I had ever seen, he said I just wanna check your cervix and you should be on your way. That's when his expression changed from calm to those eyes getting bigger, I had dilated to a 4 in just that hour, with no pain, or contractions that I could feel. By 7:30 I was taken to New Hanover's hospital with IV's in both arms pumping magnesium, penicillin and fluids. Oh and one steroid shot down, the other would come in 24 hours. Those 48 hours from 4 pm on Wednesday till Friday at roughly 6 pm I was laid out from that mag, that is the worst stuff. I had dilated to a 6, had my second shot for the babies lungs and could finally come off all the medicine and IV's attached to me.

Nothing much has changed except for them coming down even further. The doctor was able to feel Malachi's sac when I was last checked which I found so amazing for some reason ha. I am now sitting in my own room writing this, watching Food Network and trying to adjust every time these little boys kick me in the ribs. I am to far dilated to go home so I have to hangout here till they actually come. No more stopping contractions if they start again. However three days ago I had them steady all day but they didn't change my cervix and there still is no pain anywhere. I am looking at this as very thankful, some people are screaming to get to 2 cm. I went to 6 and didn't even know it. The doctors are okay if they end up coming at this point because they got the shots and they do weigh 4 lbs 3 oz each when checked on Monday. If they have to go to the NICU when they arrive (whenever that is) I don't think they will be there long. I know they will be healthy and strong. Most of all I know God's got His hand of protection over them. I just have to get through sitting in this room alone for up to a possible four weeks. That is the challenge and keeping my sanity.

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