Wednesday, October 24, 2012

creepin' round the hospital....

SOOOOOOOOO.... :) I almost got caught just now! Yes I have walking privileges thanks to well we will call him Dr. BB (blonde hair blue eyes lol) BUT I am not allowed or 'suppose' to be walking all the way to the cafeteria or the other cafe they have here. Just in case my water were to break, okay I understand that I guess but I'm already here it's not like I wouldn't be whisked away in a wheelchair by the closest nurse back to L&D. Plus I am far enough along at this point we are safe it were to break. To be honest I was hoping the walking would bring it on!! So I've decided that if I walk outside to the other entrance (which is shorter than walking down the actual halls inside) than 1. I wouldn't run into any of my doctors or nurses and 2. duh it's shorter so I wont be overdoing it as they say. Now that I think about it though the outside route is up about 15 steps and a little bit of an incline which is the most working out I've got in a while. So it probably evens itself out now that I think about it as far as energy used goes.

Anyways so I haven't accidentally ran into anyone until today, I almost got busted. First on the way out with one of my other Dr.'s, then again on the way back in but with Dr.BB. The first one I was able to bypass but then when I walked back in and saw the female doctors and Dr. BB sitting here in the lobby I HAVE to walk through I got a little nervous (it was obvious why I was coming in the door I did). He even looked right at me twice and made eye contact and didn't recognize me at all. THE BELLY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE IT AWAY. I started grinning because I thought for sure he was going to say something seeings how we had just had a conversation on his rounds this morning about him hearing I was doing laps. I guess because my hair is curled and pinned up and makeup is perfected today that I was undetectable. Hmm... that must mean I am for sure a hot mess laying in my bed and they make there rounds. Anyways as dumb as it may be that is now my new form of adventure to keep this place interesting after 21 days hahaaa

Oh and I asked if I could be induced this weekend (because I can literally feel my skin stretch apart and am so uncomfortable at this point) they said no, but that they were talking about me in there meetings this a.m and were all so surprised and amazed I still haven't had these little ones yet. I said ME TOO so lets do something about it!! He said It will happen on its own and once my water breaks then its going to happen fast they think. So we shall see...... until then I'll look for fun in creepin'.

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