Monday, December 31, 2012

Two thousand twelve is gone...

A lot has happened in the past 12 months. If you would have told me a year ago all these things would happen I would tell you that you must be crazy. Gods plans are far greater than mine ever could be. 2012 was the most exciting year I think I've ever had. Lets recap....

January held a time of praying and solely seeking after God. Actually hearing from Him was amazing to say 'I know, because I heard from God'. In January I was awaiting to finalize my divorce or so I thought. The process continued to drag on till February.

Valentines day was the first I had ever spent single. So I cooked a nice dinner and made peanut butter shaped heart desserts. Little did I know I'd be spending it with a 16 & 17 year old ha. My neighbor and his friend came and ate some food then we sat poolside by the fire. February was the month I was diagnosed and healed of hypothyroid disease which explained my 9 lb weight gain. In the process I stopped my birth control because it was interfering with the thyroid meds. For the first time in over a year Travis and i had gone to lunch together and talked like we weren't waiting for a divorce to finalize. That led to me wanting to spend his birthday with him somehow someway. He agreed to let me take him to dinner, it ended up feeling like the old us in a way.

March 4th God did a miracle. That night at church was the (second) first night of the rest of our lives. Since then we've been together every night. God changed the both of us, our hearts were made new toward each other and stronger than before. It still blows my mind when I think about it. Within the next 7 days baby Thompson was created. The 19th two little pink lines appeared on a stick!!

April 24th after almost 4 hours at the emergency room we had our first ultrasound... That's when we saw two heartbeats! Baby Thompson was now Thompson twins. Wow!! I also moved out of my apartment and moved back in with my husband:)

May brought warmer weather and more ultrasounds!! Exciting.

I felt my babies move for the first time in June!!

The beginning of July we were told we had two little BOYS!! God confirmed the boys names this month as well. I felt hiccups for the first time in the womb this month too. July brought having to move out of his house and with no luck in finding a house we moved in to my mommas for what we thought two months max....

August wasn't a great month. We found out my Mama had cancer out of nowhere, we didn't know it would be the last month she would be coherent. I turned 25 on the 31st, and celebrated with my love in Raleigh. That day we were told she had 3 months to live, what a great birthday right?

September brought a lot. We had our baby shower which was great, a lot of gifts from a lot of great people. My girl friends wedding I was a bridesmaid in at 30 weeks was fun but tiring. Then in a blink of an eye I was rushing to Virginia to say goodbye to my Mama for the last time. The 14th was a sad sad day.

October we started to paint the nursery and finally got the car seats and cribs. Everything was coming together as I was put in the hospital on the 3rd for the entire month. You can read my previous post for how that experience was.

As November came so did my chance to go home... For a week. Then the 14th my two little angels came into this world at 10:07 and 10:23 pm. Following was turkey day and lots of food.

Rolling in before I realized it was December. Not as cold as it should be and more tiring than I could have ever imagined. Christmas didn't feel like Christmas for the mere fact it seemed to come so quick. Our Christmas presents were two bright eyed boys and I couldn't have asked for more. New Year's Eve was nothing like last years!! This year babies were in bed and I was trying to catch some zzz's myself. Before I knew it love and I woke up to the countdown, said happy new year kissed and were knocked out within 5 minutes.

My year in review. Seems like it just flew by, but what a busy busy year. I am so very thankful and blessed beyond measure. 2013 I hope brings a house, a new car big enough for our family and more memories. God is good. Here's to a happy new year!!

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