Wednesday, December 31, 2014

looking back at 2011...

Haha, just ran across my other blog I use to have while we were separated and found this lovely post! I say that jokingly! Wow. to look back and see where I use to be... before children and separated. makes me laugh but also makes me see how much I've grown and how God has moved in my life. 

It's a new year, you know what that means new resolutions for the next 365 days. I've never really made resolutions before so I think now at 24 is the time to start :) Some may be silly, some may be extreme and the rest normal so here's to keeping them.. Cheers!!

- to have whiter teeth (still a resolution 3 yrs later)
-to clean my car inside & out once a week (this too! esp with Kids)
-to learn from the past & sincerely move on (little did I know..)
-to get together with friends at least once a week (HA!)
-to Pray more (check)
-to increase my income (or have kids and no income)
-to pay my car off (that I did only to find out I would need a new one!)
-to be 115lbs. period. (how I wish! thanks BOYS!)
-to exercise at least 3 times a week (still need to do this to get that up there)
-to try new things often (oh Ive tried lots of new things.. becoming a mother)
-simply to be happy again (more than ever! <3)
-call my Mama more often (wish I could, She passed away in 2012, what I'd do to hear her voice tho) 
-be a better person in general (check! ever evolving)
-to meet new people ( yes! so glad I have)
-to dance A LOT (yes with two little red heads)
-to be in love (more than I've ever been)
-to try and hear when God speaks (still working on this)
-to figure out my talents and purpose I was created for (I have!! Praise the Lord! haha I'm sure there are more tho)

Goodbye 2011.... 

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