Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014! Hello 2015!

So I've been trying to write this New Years blog post for the past three days and start it then delete it. So instead of really talking about the new year to come let me just talk about the one that has now passed. 

Just like everyone else there's been good and bad, but I want to be as honest as possible with still being positive. With that all said lets start in February when we finally found a house to rent and got out of the apartments and condos! That was amazing to see how God worked it out, the timing was the absolute last minute but right on time. I am so thankful for this house and our landlord, she has been such a blessing. March is when I stepped into what was going to be a prophecy fulfilled by taking the event planning class and getting one step closer to finding my gift and talent. April I started working for the teacher who would turn into my 'boss'. May-July would be filled with family, the beach, summer memories, fireworks with family and watching the boys take it all in for the second time. 

August! Happy birthday me! Except I didn't get a chance to celebrate my birthday, it was such a busy month. I had weddings to help with every Saturday and then the day of my birthday we celebrated my pastor being at our church for 10 years so I gave my time to honor him. We also started prepping for Bethlehem Live and planning for the big celebration in October for my pastor. 

September -December were all super busy as well!! September my momma and I planned and planned to do the #50yearchase event. Making sure it could and would be as perfect as it possibly could be, because we believe our pastor and his wife are worth every thought. It was so much fun for me to do what I love. October I had weddings to help with every weekend then the event we'd been planning for on the 18th! It was amazing! I had lots of goals I wanted to do with our family in the fall that just never got done. But that's okay this year apparently wasn't about our family but serving others. Which is what we're suppose to do as Christians. November was suppose to have a big second birthday party in it but because of everything else going on it didn't happen either, we did take them to Ripleys Aquarium with JoJo and Poppa and they loved it so that's all that really matters. I was upset over it because I felt like I wasn't giving them what they deserved but I know at this age they didn't expect anything..
 I was asked to decorate the church platform for Christmas and came up with some great ideas thanks to the help of Pinterest. I had help from a few people one who helped day and night, that I'm thankful for. Let's not leave out my most important helper Travis I always have something for him to hang!! It turned out great, looked like a winter wonderland with what I had to work with!!!  Thanksgiving came and we thought it was one of the easiest ones we've ever had. We got to spend the day with both sides of family eating together as one big family and played games. I wasn't stressed out, it was fun. We weren't running all over the place with cranky children. What a difference it made! We didnt get to  celebrate our 6 year anniversary this year either because we were in BL. So next year we have made a choice that we will celebrate every important date to us, I think it's vital to do that, we deserve to take time for ourselves and say no next year and put us first as a family. So be ready for invites :) 

Bethlehem Live deserves its own paragraph haha it was great! We had the best weather we've ever had doing it, we were booked up every night and we definitely made an impact on our county I believe. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with people who you usually wouldn't and getting to know them. Every night was so much fun for me, BCRC are the funniest people I think I've ever met, every night they had me laughing. Memories that will last, watching my husband play Jesus and take it so seriously was inspiring. Seriously he was praying during every show, always doing his absolute best, trying to be as real as possible and I think he did amazing. As did everyone else! Watching him grow this past year has been great because he's now the godly man I knew he would be. I just loved every single bit of Bethlehem Live. 

And just like that we are at the last month! December has gone so so so quick! We put our tree up back in November because like others we wouldn't have time in December. We have had the nicest weather this month as well and I'm glad because I'm over the cold. Christmas was so relaxing, we opened gifts at our place with the grandparents,we took a long nap In the middle of the day, that way we had happy babies all night! We went and had yummy food at my mommas and opened more gifts before heading over to sing Christmas carols on the Cookes front porch and then our pastors front porch! It was so fun, one of the best. The next night we all got in moms flex and went to Wilmington to look at Christmas lights and had a late night Krispy Kreme stop! Which now will be what we do every year!  The boys loved it and so did we. Tonight the 31st we will be at church and then hopefully watching Bishop Jake's and hearing the Word he has for us all as we ring in the new year! 

This year has had lots and lots of ups! Lots of memories. This year also brought a few scary times with both boys having had a seizure, CT scans from a fall, X-rays with those seizures. They have had more trips to the ER than I think I have and they are only two. BUT thank God, He watched over them every time as always. He also is healing their skin day by day we are still believing. As I have been talking about, this year has been a season of humbling ourselves. That is so very clear, not because we were arrogant before but in order for God to exalt you, you first have to humble yourself before Him, He is our only hope in this life. We cannot make it a day without Him, We know that more than ever now. I am so grateful for everything that has happened this year good and bad. It all plays a role in who you are, what you can do and who you will help. Bishop Jake's sermon from this past Sunday is on point as if he preached it just for me, I know our breakthrough is coming. I also know that we will be better people, individually and as a couple for this years trials. I also can say this year is the best year we've had as far as our marriage goes. We've never been closer. We will always have one anther's back no matter who comes against us. He is mine and I am his. I realized the other night that at 21 this is what I was wanting but I just didn't know then that it takes time and life issues to get to where we are now. I am so very excited to see where God takes us and what He opens for us in 2015! I am excited for the people I will meet in this next year, the ones I have met in 2014. I hope I can make a difference in someones life this coming year and hopefully I have this past one. I am also okay with the people who are no longer in my life, the ones who are at distance, the relationships that are growing and the ones that are dwindling away. It's all for a reason, it's all on time. I will not let peoples opinion of me change me. I will be thoughtful, respectful, and loving. I will pray more and talk less. I will distance myself from ones who talk about others. I will not play a part in that. I will encourage others not bring them down. I will no longer have time for the ones who do otherwise, life is too short and too important for nonsense. I want to be the best version of me I can be. What He intended for me to be. As should you!

Happy New Year!! 

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