Monday, November 4, 2013

Weight Watchers... for real this time! seriously.

I know it may seem at times that I'm this vain freak who says how much she loves her boys but then complains about the body they have left me with... well it is true. But you have to understand where I am coming from I have never been 'small' until the year before babies. I had got down to 120 and that for me was the smallest I have ever been and it was the best I have ever felt. Yes that was also the year we were separated and stress played a part I am sure but I also had all this free time to be active and I had the motivation to start the weight loss with Weight Watchers and it worked. Then I quit and kept losing weight and kept it off for a year till I got preggers. 

NOW.. its almost their first birthday and I still am carrying 5lbs of baby weight plus another 9-10lbs of thyroid mess up weight that got me two months before babies. So that means I have technically only lost 5lbs from giving birth. I was 162 the day I gave birth three days later when I came home I was 140 and now 12 months later I am still 135. I can maintain weight loss It's just getting it off to start with. So today for the 400th time I have decided to start WW again (on my own). My mom is starting again so we decided we still need to do weigh ins to keep each other held accountable, so monday mornings we will weigh in! I have to do this. I can't keep beating myself up and not doing anything about it. 

We have as of today 45 days until we leave for Disney World for Christmas, that broken down is 6 weeks! So if I can do 2lbs a week that will put me at 12lbs down when we leave for vacation which means I will then only have another 3lbs to really be where I want to be just in time for the new year! I can do this! I will do this! I will try to start doing an update every Monday so I can hold myself accountable that way to! Maybe I will even do a post on Instagram and Facebook. So heres to with Gods help and a lot of prayer to get back into my favorite size 2 AE jeans by Christmas!

this needs to be my Before picture! it was taken yesterday!

This is what I want to be back down to. Summer '11

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