Thursday, November 28, 2013

No Thanksgiving food for these two...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today everybody likes to talk about how thankful they are for everything in life but then you seldom hear anything else until this time next year. That is unfortunate. I however am honestly thankful everyday of my life and tell God thank you daily.

It's crazy to think this time last year I had just given birth to two precious baby boys weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces and 5 pounds 11 ounces! They were one week old and so tiny!! They were healthy and beautiful and I was a mental case who had the dreaded baby blues that had just set in days before. I was a crying mess with a heart pounding so fast at times I thought I was going to die. I was terrified that something horrific was going to happen to everyone close around me and experienced panic and anxiety attacks like I had never known before. I was still so traumatized from the delivery that I thought something was wrong with myself as well and unlike being stuck in the hospital surrounded by doctors 24/7 I was now at home and my mind set was if something's wrong there's no one here to help me. It was the scariest thing I had ever had to deal with. So I can now say I am so very thankful for a sound mind and no fear. For healthy loved ones and perfect baby boys.

They have grown so much that it's hard to even remember them being that tiny. But as you will see in the pictures I post with this they are healthy one year olds! I was excited to feed them some good food today but they have decided they wanted to shake their heads in refusal to everything I offered. So that was a bit of a bummer but they look super cute and have been good,busy, happy babies today and that is enough for me!!! So Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

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