Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy Birthday my babies!

My little bundles of joy are ONE today!

That is exciting and scary all at the same time. This past year has in some ways taken forever and in some ways flown by! I am just amazed at every phase they go through, how at one point they couldn't even roll over and yet now they are trying to run all over the house. How we would have to sit for an hour and try to get them to just take 1 ounce of formula and now they gulp down 7 in minutes. How I didn't think they would ever cut a tooth and now they have 8 and 6. I'm still waiting on them to get some hair and still praying it will be blonde and not red. Ha.

They are the sweetest babies you will ever come across, they rarely cry or are upset. Usually they are all smiles or fake coughs or even some very dramatic grunts, I couldn't have asked for better babies. It is the first thing everyone comments on. I am blessed beyond what I ever thought when it comes to children and being a mother.

Motherhood is a roller coaster if anyone tells you different they are lying. I say it all the time but there are so many things women don't like to admit or talk about after you go through the delivery. Theres ups and downs concerning yourself you go through and physical things that are kept quiet, the emotional times when you cant get it together and you think you may need a psych ward, the highs and lows but it all works itself out. Then before you know it you've gotten it together and cant remember what it was like before children. How boring life must have been. It changes you for the better.

I am thankful we haven't had any serious illness or problems with the boys and that Gods hand is always on them and they are covered by the blood of Jesus and He will keep them. I am thankful that even though I never would have imagined it would cost sooo much to have twins that He always provides even when I am still worrying over not having enough. He is always enough in every situation!

Happy Birthday Malachi & Elijah
Mommy Loves YOU!

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