Saturday, September 21, 2013

Just a little rant.

Well the house I had mention is no longer in the running. So I will take that as obviously not being the ONE. Trying to keep telling myself in Gods timing...

Something completely off subject to that I realized today about myself. I left the boys with their daddy and went shopping for a friends baby shower tomorrow. While in Carter's and seeing all these babies and mothers everywhere and grandparents oohing and ahhing over how cute all the clothes were I noticed I was completely missing the boys. But not just because I'm so use to having them with me every minute but I found myself getting this cocky attitude (more in my head than actually towards anyone). I found myself thinking I have twins that's a bigger deal than your one. Also thinking my boys would look so much better in everything in that store and they were so much cuter than the other babies in general. I couldn't believe I was acting/thinking like that. I am actually a bit embarrassed to admit it but maybe its a twin mother thing that happens sometimes. I mean we did push out well some of us two human beings. Let alone the fact we made two human beings in general is pretty impressive even more so if naturally. I know it's not nice and I didn't like that it happened but I think its because I didn't have them and felt left out. Like I was just an aunt buying for my nephew or something. Silly right? So probably not many baby shopping trips without my little pumpkins :) 

Well M&E are fast asleep as I write and hopefully they stay that way at least till say 4am. However they both have double ear infections again right now so they have been a little crankier at night and squirmy. But I can still pray and ask!! 


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