Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two Months!!

Malachi & Elijah are now two and a half months old! Time is definitely flying by. They are cooing and smiling so much now. They are sleeping so good now!! Which makes me very happy. For the most part they get up once a night, and that I think is only because they are going to sleep anywhere from 8-9:30pm and then are hungry around 3-4am. So starting three months we are going to start a nighttime routine, try and establish some consistency for them and us. I am also thinking about instead of starting the routine around 7 and putting them down at 8, to start at 8 bathe, feed, read, pray and then lay them down closer to ten. That way I'm hoping they sleep till 7am instead. That's what I would like anyways :)

Malachi started rocking on his stomach and rolling over from stomach to back last week!! Which was super exciting for us. Elijah isn't far behind, he just doesn't like tummy time as much as Malachi. He seems to fuss when put on his tummy. It seems they have issues with cradle cap, its on their faces as well as their heads. And of course it never looks as bad until we are out in public!!

They had their two month vaccines two weeks ago :( that was sad for me. I hated seeing them cry like that!! Makes you sick to your stomach. They were fine though after two minutes, until about four hours later they were both asleep when Malachi woke up and was screaming uncontrollably. Nothing could calm him down, and it seemed as if you even barely touched him he screamed out of pain. So after a frantic call to the pediatrician we gave them both Tylenol and they both went back to sleep and woke up like happy babies a few hours later. Oh my it was scary for me not knowing what to expect. I now know that can be very common, doesn't make you feel any better about it though.

Now on to the greatest thing in this post! God gave us a place to call home for at least the next year. We will be moving back into a condo/apartment this weekend yay!!! I can't wait to give the boys their own bright nursery. I can't wait to use my new dishes!! To set all my stuff up and have everything out accessible!! I have honestly lived out of clothes baskets for one month short of a year! Now tell me I'm high maintenance and spoiled! I dare you. I'm just ready to grow and become our own little family with our own things that we do as a family. Ya know?! So I am so so so very thankful and blessed. I have been 90% of the time patiently waiting on God to show us where we were suppose to go and He has so I know this is exactly where we are suppose to be!! Knowing that you know is such a good feeling. And God is soo good!! I am forever grateful for my momma and todd as well, for always taking us in and helping and being a blessing. For being a blessing to others and to us God will always bless you 10 fold. So I know he will bless them with their hearts desires And be good to them.

So to our new season we will continue to wait on God and thank Him for all He has done and is going to do. I also feel like He is going to provide a new vehicle for us soon. Because he knows its not a selfish want, not selfish desire but a need for these babies and for us. He gave us two babies He will provide and He'll give us what we need to take care of these two babies. The difference between wanting a new car out of selfishness and not depending on God is simple. My attitude is not I want this this and this and it has to be brand new. It's okay God I know you know what we need and I know your going to provide the perfect car for us. And when it happens it will be what I wanted because my hearts desires are lined up with what Gods desires for my life are. He will give us safe, affordable and nice. He wants his children to have nice things. So I am praying for that next step in getting settled as a family :)

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