Friday, June 26, 2015

Late nite chit chat:)

Late night rambles.. Why not. 

I've been working on a post that I wanted to go up on Father's Day but as you can tell you have yet to read it. I've been pretty MIA lately with this whole blog situation, I feel like that's the story of my life. I start things and rarely finish them, I'm that person and I'm not happy about it but I get so in the moment and then I'm over it, on to the next thing that catches my eye. I've read that creative people tend to have this problem along with many other problems. 

So this body issue I like to talk about every so often is still the same, now that I'm tan I feel more confident. My teeth look whiter, hair looks lighter, body looks thinner or so I like to think. I actually wear a bikini to the beach and don't think much about what others are possibly thinking. It's a great feeling, last year I would hide behind clothes and not enjoy the beach with the boys. This year tho complete opposite! But let's be honest if I had the money and a babysitter for a few weeks I'd be laid out on the operating table getting fat transferred and some new boobs! Until that day, I'm pretty okay with the now 'me'! 

The boys are amazing per usual! Counting, saying their ABC's, talking clearer, being the little smart gingers they are. They love to sing and dance, cuddles have gotten more frequent, they are cleaning( laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, dishwasher) can't wait till their five and I won't have to do anything hahahahaha it will be like I'm rich and a queen. Just kidding.  But they do love to clean! Hallelujah.

Had a cards night not too long ago with a bunch of friends. Even tho I didn't really play it was a lot of fun for me, to finally be doing things that didn't revolve around kids. Just enjoy the company and conversation of people around our ages! Hope to make a habit of it!! 

I think I'm hungry and that's why I'm wide awake.. Or MAYBE these thoughts that keep running thru my head. So much is always going on in there, it never stops. Trying to determine right from wrong, good and bad, fun or boring, temporary or permanent, present or future. It never stops. 

I've been trying to plan my Fourth of July outfit since I got in bed, it's the same fight I have every freaking year! Do I want to wear shorts and a tank and be comfy or do I want to wear a dress and be pretty! Ugh such a struggle. Yall know me and I'll take any opportunity to wear a dress and glam it up! But then I see these other girls in there short shorts and tank tops looking all effortless and I just don't know what to do! Actually I just figured it out, the question really comes down to : do I want to look like everyone else or stand out from the crowd? And well I'm not a follower so see there how I just solved my own problem. Perfect. Thanks for helping. 

I will need my momma do give me a mani and a pedi before then tho, and I have to decide hair up or down and makeup, oh and maybe I'll touch up my tan (both at the beach and in my bathroom). 

Well my heads hurting now from looking at this bright phone while laying in the dark so let's hope this time I can ever so sweetly drift off into a dream about Ruby Rose haha just kidding okay Channing Tatum because his movie trailers have been everywhere I looked today. 

Goodnight :) 

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