Monday, October 20, 2014

Chit chat

Hello again..

I know I get on these kicks where I can post often and then months go by and there is so much I want to say but when I try I find myself not being able to. Maybe it's writers block, maybe it's God keeping me quiet whatever it is it happens often, very often. 

Maybe I will touch on a few things that have been going on in my head and life in this post. Sound good? I think so. 

First let's talk about how AMAZING my pastors 50th celebration was!! Not just the decor but the whole thing, the people, the program, the food, every bit of it was great. Couldn't have been better, okay well something can  always be better!! I was very happy with how everything looked! From what others have said they were too! Yay!! 

Also I do believe I have booked my second wedding for 2015!! This one is at an old church in turned venue, it's gorgeous, charming and full of character! I'm excited and thankful for another one!! Please pray that people just flood in and my business prospers!! 


The boys second birthday is in less than a month now and I have yet to buy anything! I planned this out months and months ago thinking I would buy as time went. Well I wasn't ever able to, still believing God for making a way. I want it to be fun, creative, something they will enjoy but at this moment I am just praying I can still do it. 

Two! Can we talk about that for a second?! My little itty bitty 5lb babies will be two and 26lbs!! Wow time is speeding by. But I am proud of myself I truly try to take in every single moment with them. I stop and watch them do little things and can see daily how they get smarter and taller. They are the absolute best things in our lives!! They amaze me every day. I am soo thankful that I was blessed with them and God knew I was stronger than I myself knew. 

Holidays are coming up soon! 

I am hoping to capture those with many pictures and memories. Do some new things for thanksgiving this year! Christmas we will be home but thinking we might change some things about Christmas and Christmas Eve this year too! I love the way the holiday season makes me feel! We also get to decorate for the first time since we've been back together, it will also be the first time the boys have had a Christmas tree! Minus when they were 1 month old at my moms. That's gunna be a lot of fun! 

Bethlehem Live will be happening in the next coming weeks! I am looking forward to it, it's been so long since the last time we did this! I get to be my loves personal assistant. Which I think it'd be neat to be Jesus personal assistant too! Right?! Yes he is playing Jesus. The most important role of the whole thing! What's funny but obviously was suppose to happen is he looks just like the part ( as far as how we 'think' Jesus looked) without trying! We all just assumed he would be the one and he is. That might sound like oh how cool, and it is but with that comes other things. We already live to the best of our ability, but people watch you more closely, usually waiting for you to mess up, you are under more trials, the devil tries to break you even more than the norm. It calls for an annointing that not everyone has but I can whole heartedly say he now has. The plus side is with his/our devotion to this and sensitivity God will also bless us for being honest, humble, willing, taking this as serious as we do and not lightly. God is a good God. 

Life is so busy this year, I love it though. I am so excited to keep seeing where God is taking us, the best it yet to come!! 

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