Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New things.

Lately I've been paying attention and noticing all the new little things the boys can and are doing. When they do something new it always gives me this feeling of accomplishment and fullfillment. That feeling of 'I must be doing something right'. 

As Malachi was cleaning up his crayons and colored pencils the other afternoon I watched as he was no longer picking up one at a time and placing it in the container but was picking up one and then another while keeping them all in his same hand! I don't mean picking up a handful, I mean one at a time while still holding three or four already! I just stood there and watched him the whole time thinking what a moment, my little boy who was picking one up at a time and throwing them in last week was now picking them up like a big boy. I applauded him for how smart and a good job he was doing and he just kept on in such focus. 

They both have been talking a lot more lately, repeating what they hear on tv and from us. They may not get the words quite right but the sound is the same. They were watching Sesame Street together and counting along with big bird the other day while eating their goldfish and It caught my attention so I sat their and just listened yet again in amazement. 

They are such smart boys. They are constantly watching everything everyone else is doing and then doing it themselves. I have caught them in real 'twin' conversation too. They will go back and forth just like you and I would and then do whatever it was they were talking about. It's insane to watch. 

They love to drive, love their trains and new trucks. They love to read every single day and night. The same books over and over, we are buying them new ones for their second birthday this year if not for them for my sake. They love their boats and bath time but their favorite thing at the moment is still the moon. Yes the moon. We look at it every night that we get out of the car and it's always the first thing they point to in a book. 

I'm so thankful that I am the type of mother who takes in all these moments and really pays attention to her children. I am blessed with the absolute best baby boys in the world! 

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