Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Some sunshine finally!

7 and a half months and I'm finally starting to feel good about myself again. I've been working out for the past 4 weeks and even tho I may not be down pounds every week I still feel better. My arms have more muscle than they've ever had before, I can actually do a good 10 push ups without shaking. That might not sound like much to some but to me its a big deal. I am now hoping to have a little muscle not just be thinner. I like the idea of looking a little strong. 

This may be a bit of information that's too much but its my blog so oh well but for the first time I have looked at my butt and not been upset about how 'not gorgeous' it is. That also is a huge deal to me. I'm pretty sure I can stick to this now it took some bridges to cross but I think I'm mentally there to stay now. It's so important to me to be as healthy as I can for my boys. I've got to be able to do without feeling down about myself, I don't want them to ever pick up on that. So I'm just really praying and trying to be the best wife and mother inside and out I can be!! 

My goal weight is 120. I am currently at 134 so I have a good bit to go but I think now with muscle I may not worry so much about the numbers and more on how I feel and look but I keep saying the numbers to keep me going. I'm aware that 120 pre pregnancy and 120 post are two totally different things so we shall see as I creep closer... :) 

Ps. I stopped taking the phen after 5 days I just didn't like what it was doing to me. I had lost two pounds on it and have kept it off so I am thankful just to have gotten past that 135 mark! But now its time to do it the healthy smart way.! 

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